Ever hear the one about the deer your grandfather caught? I bet that deer gets bigger with every storytelling. Everyone has a big deer story, and hunters have their own version concerning their favorite pastime. Myths have tended to circulate about deer ever since the first group of hunters gathered around a fire. It’s just natural to maybe embellish. It’s easy to do and usually fun to hype up your own stories. Here are some of the top myths about deer.
- The right boots keep your scent off the trail. Some people think rubber boots hide your scent on the ground, but it’s not true.
- Bucks all have their own primary scrape. Can a primary scrape even be defined? Not really, and it’s not true that bucks all have one.
- Don’t pee where you hunt. While not the most sanitary thing to do, human urine can attract a deer the same way deer urine can. We don’t always encourage peeing around a deer ground blind, but sometimes there isn’t an option.
- The moon clocks the start of the rut. The moon has nothing to do with deer movement at all.
- Bucks mark their territory by rubbing boundaries. Sorry, it’s just not true. The does are territorial, not the bucks.
- Different tracks indicate the sex of the deer. Nope! You can’t tell the sex by looking at claw marks in tracks.
- You can completely mask your presence with various products. Nothing will completely make you completely
invisible to detection. However, set up a bow hunting stand to make it as easy as possible.
- Rattling only works during the pre-rut. Deer will fight regardless of the time frame.
- Scrapes will improve your hunting. Scrapes don’t actually have a lot of information that is useful.
- Rubs are made by small bucks. Again, does are territorial, not bucks, and certainly not yearlings.
- The biggest racks come in 3 or 4 year-olds. Maybe for captive deer, but for wild deer it’s more like 5 or 7 year-olds.
- The older the buck, the larger the home range. Actually, it’s the opposite. Younger bucks tend to travel more.
- Protein isn’t important to a buck until antlers start to grow. Nope! They need protein all the time, just like us.
- The best shot to take is in the neck. You’re better off aiming for the shoulder. A hunting stand is great for setting up the perfect shot to the shoulder.
- Bleed a deer before field-dressing it. Not usually necessary, and slitting the throat make a tougher job for the taxidermist.
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