America’s hunters have long played an important role in our nation’s conservation efforts by helping to regulate wildlife populations, engaging in wildlife resource advocacy programs and contributing their own hard-earned cash to the purchase of hunting and fishing licenses. Without this tradition of responsible stewardship, America’s wild lands would probably look very different than they do today.
But here in Michigan, hunters have been doing more than just helping to protect the land they love; they’re giving back to less-fortunate members of their community as well.
Between November 16 and 18 of last year, for example, hunters in Clare, Michigan donated 25 deer at a local sporting goods outfitter which yielded more than 1,100 pounds of venison. This venison was then distributed to regional food banks through a joint effort between the Michigan DNR, Food Bank Council and the nonprofit organization Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger.
Following the successful donation campaign, Food Bank Council Executive Director Phil Knight said that he was “overwhelmed at the generosity and inspired by the efforts of our friends to create a food secure Michigan.”
Michigan Sportsman Against Hunger, which was first established in 1991, provides an estimated 100,000 meals to Michigan residents in need each year. This huge volume of food is generated entirely by wild game donations from processors and charities throughout the state. Hunters interested in donating to the program can do so by simply visiting a participating processor and contributing either a whole deer or a portion of a deer.
To learn more about how you can donate venison to a regional food bank, you can visit the Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger website here!
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